Are you looking for professional story or novel editing services? I’m an award-winning writer and writing teacher with over a decade of experience publishing and helping others publish. My editing services can help with every stage of a project: from drafting, to revision, to final edits and polishing. Whether your ultimate goal is publication, acceptance to a residency or MFA program, or simply writing the best fiction you can, I can help you get there and enjoy the process.

I offer several different tiers of editing to help accommodate different needs and budgets. Note that these prices are not carved in stone—please contact me if you’d like to work together, and we can almost certainly work it out.

$150 OFFICE HOURS: I will read your manuscript (20 page max*), and we will set up a max hour-long phone call or zoom to discuss it. We can cover any number of subjects and questions—your choice—but will likely address overall narrative direction and large-scale structural questions. This option is ideal for early-stages drafting.

$300 WORKSHOP: I will read your manuscript (20 page max*), and provide the following. 1) An in-depth letter offering suggestions for how to address large-scale narrative and character issues. 2) A marked-up manuscript addressing smaller writing concerns—not quite line-editing, but with the aim of tightening prose and overall story feel. 3) A 30-minute zoom or phone call after delivery of 1+2, to give you an opportunity to ask questions about the notes and further establish a revision strategy. This option is ideal for late-stage drafting/early to mid stage revision.

$500 FINAL DRAFT: I will read your manuscript (20 page max*), and provide the following. 1) An in-depth letter offering suggestions for how to address large-scale narrative and character issues. 2) A marked up manuscript addressing smaller writing concerns, all the way down to granular line edits. 3) A one-hour zoom or phone conversation to answer questions about the notes, establish a revision strategy, and discuss options for publication. This option is ideal for late-stage revision with an eye on publication, as well as fine-tuning MFA/residency writing samples.

NOVELS: I also offer novel manuscript editing, with pricing structure contingent on length and type of project. Please contact me for more details.

* Note: there will be an additional charge for manuscripts greater than 20 pages